• Zion Christian Assembly

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As an assembly we believe that the Holy Scriptures are the inspired Word of God (II Timothy 3:16) and that God's Word is absolute truth. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, that He is the Son of God. We believe that as the Son of Man, He is truly man, and that as the Son of God, He is truly God (Hebrews 1:8). Jesus Christ came to earth to be our Savior. He died on the cross at Calvary, giving His body and shedding His precious blood that He might cleanse and save us. We are saved eternally through faith in Him. Upon faith, every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures teach that those who believe in Him should be baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). We believe that Christ rose from the dead and that He has ascended and is seated in majesty at the right hand of God the Father. He is the head of the assembly or church and lives to intercede on behalf of it. We await Christ's soon return for His assembly or church.


Christ is the head of His assembly or church.  (Ephesians 5:23). It is our desire to recognize Him as the head of Zion Christian Assembly. The Scriptures teach that the local church is to be governed by a plurality of elders (Acts 14:23, I Timothy 5:17). The elders are shepherds of the flock. They lead, care for, and are responsible for teaching in the assembly. Bishops (overseers) and shepherds are scriptural terms used in reference to assembly leadership but the designation “elders” is used much more extensively. A plurality of elders gives leadership at Zion. Elders are assisted by deacons who care for physical needs in the assembly.


The Word of God teaches that all believers are priests and ministers of God, and that each believer has been gifted to serve Jesus Christ as a part of His body. The purpose of the assembly is to worship God, to break bread in remembrance and in the proclamation of Christ's death (I Corinthians 11:26), to preach and teach the Word of God, to edify one another as believers, to fellowship together in Christ, and to preach the gospel to the unsaved.


Multiple ministry is taught in the Scriptures (I Peter 4:10-11) and practiced at Zion Christian Assembly. Ministry is service and is based upon gifts and abilities given by the Holy Spirit. It includes all assembly functions in the body of Christ. The ministry of preaching and teaching the Word of God is performed by those who are most gifted for this purpose. Shepherding is the responsibility of the older and more spiritually mature. Other ministries include caring for the needs of fellow believers and caring for the business and physical needs of the assembly (Romans 15:25-27).

There is liberty for the exercise of gifts for ministry in the assembly. There are also limitations through the leading of the Holy Spirit according to the Scriptures. There are differences in roles and spheres of responsibility in ministry (I Corinthians 12:4-11). Men, for example, in the speaking ministry, are to speak the Word of God (I Peter 4:11). There are also limitations as to the number of speakers in a given meeting. Some are to be silent at times, in order that others may minister, and to maintain Godly order. Women, it appears from Scripture, are gifted in the same way as men. Their speaking or teaching ministry, however, is limited to other women and children. They are to be silent in the assembly meetings. All ministry is for the glory of God and of Christ (I Corinthians 14:26-40).


The Scriptures teach that all believers should be baptized. This should take place as an act of obedience and as soon as possible upon conversion. The purpose of baptism is for the believer to identify with the Lord Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. It is a testimony that one belongs to Christ and that there is a newness of life, a change, a new obedience in Christ (Romans 6:4).

The Word of God teaches that the assembly should remember the death of Christ through communion (breaking bread). This should be done often to proclaim His death until He comes. Communion is fellowship. The cup and the loaf speak of the oneness we have in Him as we all partake of each. The Bible teaches the use of one cup (Matthew 2:17-28, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:11-20, I Corinthians 10:16-21, I Corinthians 11:23-33). The Bible does not state wine or grape juice but the fruit of the vine.  Unleavened bread was used during Passover and also during the institution of the breaking of bread in remembrance of Christ’s death.

We are privileged to partake only if we are truly Christians. We are to partake upon self-examination and in self-judgment, lest we condemn ourselves. The Scriptures reveal that communion is a prime command of Christ. The Word indicates that it was done on the first day of the week, maybe even more often. We believe that we should remember the Lord's death on each Lord's Day through this love feast (I Corinthians 11:23-34).

The Scriptures teach that the assembly should glorify God, and recognize His authority. God the Father is the head of Christ. Christ is the head of the church or assembly. Christ is the head of man. Man is the head of the woman. The Scriptures teach that man is the image of the glory of God, and is not to

wear a head covering when he prays or speaks. The woman is the glory of man, and is to wear a head covering when she prays or speaks. At Zion Christian Assembly we believe that the man ought to be uncovered and the woman covered in the assembly, and that each of us in this way can give glory to God (I Corinthians 11:1-16).

The Word of God teaches that we should give to the work of the Lord. Giving should be in secret, it should be in relationship to how God has prospered us, and it should be regular, such as on the first day of the week. At Zion offerings are taken only once a week, at the Communion (Breaking of Bread) meeting. Gifts are used to fellowship with missionaries and servants of Lord, the poor, and general expenses.